Managing people can be the most rewarding, as well as the most challenging, aspect of leadership. Leadership is a skill set that can be developed and enhanced. Leadership training actively supports anyone who is taking on the leadership mantle and truly standing tall as a leader and creating a pathway for others to follow.
What we teach
People Centered Leadership is a 6-day leadership training course focussed on developing the leader, their relationships with the teams they lead and mastering Cultureship – leading organisational culture. The full course comprises the following:
Choosing Leadership
Trust – the first step
Emotionally in Tune
The Magic of Communicating Well
The 7 Secrets of Pulling Together
Cultureship – Enhancing Culture through Leadership
How we teach
The course is designed to engage participants in their own leadership journey, adding value to their prior learning. New concepts and models will be introduced to participants, followed by activities giving them opportunities to practice different ways of leading and managing.
The emphasis of the training is practical strategies that can be applied immediately in the workplace. Practicing new learning in pairs or small groups within the training enables participants to get feedback in a safe learning environment.
The People Centered Leadership program participants develop knowledge and practical skills so that they are able to lead and manage with greater confidence and clarity. In applying their enhanced skills, they have new ways to manage everyday work activities, including more challenging situations.
Creating connection and clarity for leaders and teams