Advance Your Business was engaged by NCN Health to facilitate some important work with an amalgamated team. The sticky wall (shown in photograph above) was used in one of the sessions to create a visual illustration of the critical processes the team members were involved in.
Workflow mapping begins with identifying what happens now in a system or process (link to workflow mapping text). In this particular example, the People and Culture team all participated in mapping, on the sticky wall, the current process for on boarding a new employee (i.e. from the decision re whom to employ to the employee induction/orientation). Workshop participants quickly saw how many steps there were to be undertaken by numerous people (from various teams), combined with electronic data entry into many databases and paper forms requiring completion. This can significantly slow down getting the new employee on board and working.
The visual nature of this mapping showed participants the many steps and the imperative for each person to undertake their part in the process quickly and effectively, following up if the process was held up along the way. Participants modified this process to streamline it. This was transformed into a 2-page typed flow chart that was very clear re what needed to be done when and by whom. It was shared by all and used to track any future changes needed. Key words from the workshop evaluation in response to the question ‘What worked well?’
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AuthorJill Nicholson Archives
August 2023